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Jan 3, 2021
Books I Read in 2020
I used to hate the idea of re-reading books because I always felt like there were too many books in the world to read to waste time...

Jul 17, 2015
Book Review : Your Baby, Your Way by Jennifer Margulis
Title: Your Baby, Your Way Author: Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D Publisher: Scribner (A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.) Length: 341 pages...

Apr 24, 2015
10 Ways To Tread a Little Lighter on the Earth
My yoga teacher inspired us yesterday to dedicate our practice to the Earth in honour of Earth Day. To make one simple change in our life...

Apr 17, 2015
Photobooks : Life in 2013 + 2014
I’ve always enjoyed browsing through our family photo albums at home and I fear that with our current ‘pixel obsessed’ generation, we...

Apr 8, 2015

Apr 1, 2015
Featured: Interview
Here’s the truth. I really struggled with this interview. Not because I didn’t know what my answers to the questions were but because I...

Mar 29, 2015
Gratitude List # 16: Of Library Books and Gourmet Cheese.
1. After finally making it to shoot another Creative Mornings event last weekend, I’ve had this burning desire to paint. Thanks to...

Mar 11, 2015
Travel Journal : Holi Weekend in Goa
So it was after a lot of patient waiting that I finally convinced the man that we needed to go to Goa. And I think I might have been...

Feb 10, 2015
Patricia: On the Streets of Bandra
Patricia is one of those friends that has come into my life and convinced that yes, this blog of mine really is worth keeping. She found...

Jan 17, 2015
Gratitude List #15
There’s been a lot of eating of Kimchi around here. Mostly, nay all of it by me. In my defense, Rob’s been busy, traveling and working...

Dec 15, 2014
This day.
Hard to believe that this was one year ago! What an awesome day it was. I mean, it’s pretty special when a whole bunch of your most...

Nov 2, 2014
Gratitude List # 14
Anyone else shocked that it’s November? I am. How can it already be closing the end of 2014? Anyway, wedding season is upon us once again...

Oct 27, 2014
Gratitude List # 13
Here we are are the start of another week and my best intentions of getting this post done before the end of the weekend clearly didn’t...

Oct 22, 2014
Remembering Diwali
My earliest memories of Diwali are from Zambia, where I grew up. As Bengalis, it wasn’t our highlight of the year (Durga Pujo was) but of...

Oct 21, 2014
September Twenty Fourteen
This is so so late but I couldn’t bare the thought of letting another month go so here’s my better-late-than-never snippet of September....

Oct 20, 2014
Gratitude List # 12
This week felt both unbearably long and super short all at the same time. Rob and I were both traveling for work so we didn’t see each...

Oct 12, 2014
Farmers Market Fun!
I’m still kind of in disbelief. I learnt today that there is this gorgeous park in the middle of Bombay that I had no idea about. And...

Oct 11, 2014
Gratitude List #11
// This week has been all about food. I love food. I’m so glad that eating can be exciting and tasty and not just something that...

Oct 5, 2014
Gratitude List # 10
I freakin’ LOVED this week. It was only three days at the office for Rob and it is so much easier trying to organise things and actually...

Sep 26, 2014
Gratitide List #9
After about a month of traveling every weekend, I am so happy to be home (even though we have a leaky ceiling and the work on our...
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