Hello there, I am back in Daejeon after gallivanting all around Seoul with some excellent guides (super awesome friends of Grace). Seoul is mind-blowingly BIG and diverse. I have some really great memories from the city and I even happened to ‘bump’ into a really dear friend Ben Stamper who just happened to be there at the same time! He lives in the US so it was pretty awesome how we got to meet in this part of the world. I have loads of photos to share from Seoul but thought I’d start by catching up on this photos I took in Daejeon on my first day.
I stayed with Grace in her dorm room at KAIST University’s campus and that’s where these photos start.
One of the first things that I noticed and loved about Korean culture is how people greet each other. When you enter a restaurant, everyone chimes in to say “An-Nyong-Ha-Sye-Yo” which is basically the equivalent of a ‘Namaste’ in India. And then when you leave you are greeted too. I love that. It just feels so warm! You are noticed and appreciated even if you are a stranger.
Just outside Grace’s dorm.
This is Grace trying to make a decision as to which direction we should go.
My first time trying out hard-core Sushi. Well, as hard-core as it gets in Korea.
Cafe’s are the ‘in’ thing.

Trying to make a plan for the day.

See that warm smile? Love it!
Everyone is so well-dressed!

Love the organised traffic.
Zebra crossings actually mean something here :P
Cool graffiti on the wall at one the cafes that we went to.

Sung Hwi! She also went to school with us but was in the year below. Sung-Hwi showed me around Seoul on my second-day there.